Dr. Hossein Hosseinkhani, Biomedical Engineer, has broad experience in life sciences and is an
expert in nanotechnology, biomaterials, drug delivery, 3D in vitro
systems, bioreactor technology, and bioengineering stem cells technology. His
working experience is mainly attributed to academia and industry of biomedical
engineering research and development (which includes several years of basic
science research experience in a number of premier institutions related to the
structure and function of biomaterials, and in polymer-based and mineral-based
medical implants development in the medical device industry). He has been awarded
several prestigious awards including JSPS
(Japan Society for Promotion of Science) Award, European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award, and Japanese ICYS
(International Center for Young Scientists) Award.
He authored more than 100
scientific papers published on peer-reviewed Journals, 4 books, and 10 book
chapters (H-index: 53 Google Scholar). He is inventor of 16
National and International patents, several of which are licensed to companies
acting in the biomedical fields and translated to 7 commercial products. He is the founder of Matrix HT, Inc., a world leading Biotech
Company dedicated to healthcare technology to improve patient's quality of
life. He is Editor-in-Chief of Recent Progress in
Materials, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal published
online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc., Editor-in-Chief of Journal
of Modern Nanotechnology, a
peer-reviewed Open Access journal published online by the Innovation Forever
Publishing Group Ltd., Editor-in-Chief of Biomedical Science
and Clinical Research, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal published
online by Opast Publishing Group, Associate Editor of Polymer for Advanced Technology, a peer-reviewed journal published by Wiley, and the Country
Editor of Current Drug Delivery.