I am a rheumatologist specializing in autoimmune diseases,
with a primary focus on Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS). I have been dedicated
to this field for 20 years. I serve as an Associate Professor at the University
of São Paulo and an Invited Professor at the University of Torino, Italy. Part
of my training was completed at Cornell University in New York City, where I
spent three years and published three papers in Arthritis &
Rheumatology (Impact Factor: 11.4).
I am a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of APS
ACTION (apsaction.org), the largest international research group focused on
APS, which oversees the largest multicenter cohort for the disease.
To date, I have published 110 papers in the field, mainly
on APS, with an H-index of 29 and 3,525 citations. I have reviewed for 120
journals, including JAMA, Arthritis & Rheumatology, Journal
of Clinical Immunology, and Nephrology. Currently, I am an editor
for Einstein (Brazil), Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Frontiers
in Rheumatology, and Frontiers in Immunology.
I lead the APS Clinic at the Hospital das Clínicas of the
University of São Paulo, a 2,000-bed quaternary hospital. I am actively
involved in the postgraduate program, mentoring several postdoctoral fellows
and graduate students each year in APS research.
I hold a research grant from the Brazilian government’s
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for a
two-year term, and I have recently applied for an extension.
As a highly motivated researcher, I am deeply committed to
advancing knowledge in my field and promoting scientific development and
medical education. I strongly believe that international collaborations are
essential for enhancing research capacity worldwide.
I am applying for this position as Editor of AI in
Medicine because I am passionate about integrating artificial intelligence
with medical and scientific knowledge. I firmly believe that these disciplines
should work in harmony to drive innovation and improve healthcare outcomes.